Friday, October 18, 2019

Podcast Introduction

October 21, 2019


W.9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content

Obj: I can create an informative podcast to examine historical events through effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.


What did you wear on the first day of school?
What did you have for lunch two days ago?
What did we do in class last Monday?
What were you doing on Monday, October 7?


Part of Speech:
Your Definition:


Write 1 thing you learned about podcast


We will review the project instructions together.
Begin to brainstorm ideas for what you would like to base your project on and who will interview.

Ms. Tart will review this software program with you and show you how to use. 

We will listen to part of an episode from Serial as a class.

Use the transcript if you would like to read while you listen.

Serial Questions
What is Rabia saying?
Cite evidence or quotes that show explicit meaning of what they’re saying.
Based on what’s above, what’s your conclusion?
What is Rabia not  saying? What are they leaving uncertain?

 What is Jay saying?
Cite evidence or quotes that show explicit meaning of what they’re saying.
Based on what’s above, what’s your conclusion?
What is Jay not saying? What are they leaving uncertain?

What are the point of views in this story, and what is the corresponding purpose?

Explain how the way the text is written in order to help the author with the purpose.

Explain how the text would be written differently if there were a different purpose.

How is listening to a story different than reading one? Which do you prefer and why? Don’t just focus on one single answer.

How does a podcast compare to a research paper?


You will take a benchmark tomorrow and resume the projects on Wednesday. 

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