Monday, October 28, 2019


October 29, 2019


W.9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content

Obj: I can create an informative podcast to examine historical events through effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.


What is one thing you would like feedback on?


Part of Speech:
Your Definition:


Write 1 thing you learned about pod


We will review the project instructions together.
Begin to brainstorm ideas for what you would like to base your project on and who will interview.

Remember to go to Ms. Tart's website if you need access to the information she shared. 

  MLA Formatting

Use the guides below to give credit to your sources in the project. 


Based on your research, create several open ended questions that you want to ask during the interview.
It is a good idea to create more questions than you might actually need.
Depending on the direction of the conversation you will want diversity in your questions so you can cover the topics addressed. 

Create somewhere between 5-7 questions.  

Use the link above to help.  


Make a copy of the outline and move to your assignment folder.
Complete the script section of the outline based on the ideas and questions you've created the last two days.


Use the time to edit your audio.

Complete for at least two and up to  four people.


What do you still need to do?
This is due tomorrow!

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