Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Malala Speech

November 6, 2019


RI.9-10.6 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.

I can determine an author's purpose and analyze how they use rhetoric.


Analyze this quote.  What does it mean? How is she trying to motivate change?

Image result for one child one teacher quote


Word; Logos
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition;(appeal to logic) is a way of persuading an audience with reason, using facts and figures.
Your Definition: 
Activity: How does this ad use logos?

Image result for logos ad


As a class we will listen to the speech.  

Follow along with the transcript.

Identify how she uses rhetoric to convey her ideas. 

2.  One Pager

Identify Malala's point of view.  
Identify the message she is giving.
Identify an example of ethos, pathos, and logos.
Explain how ethos establishes credibility, how pathos creates emotion, and how logos presents logic. 
Create two visuals to support key ideas. 

3.  Gallery Walk

We will have a gallery walk to view each others ideas. 


What did you take away from Malala?

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